Head Strong is a heavily-plotted fantasy that asks viewers to accept the notion that a novelist who writes about a gay private dick could become as successful as John Grisham. Ha! Tyler Adams' word-heavy screenplay has writer Tommy Lord losing his lover (Dylan Reece) because of his obsession with his fictional alter-ego (P.I. Rod Derringer, played with relish by Spike). Should Lord sleep with a star-fucker who goes after famous authors (Pierce Vendetta)? Should he sell the rights to Derringer to a pair of lusty collaborators (Steve O'Donnell and Christopher Scott)? Should Lord say farewell to the fantasies that made him rich but impossible to live with, and reunite with Reece? Head Strong is an ambitious project that strains the skills of even these above-average actors. Still, the sex is hot, with Lord and Spike both demonstrating their unique brands of stud-appeal. Cast: Tommy Lord, Spike, Christopher Scott, Jackson Price, Pierce Vendetta, Steve O'Donnell, Dylan Reece