Prison Fuckers revolves around a prison warden, played by the very sexy Billy Jay, who is in charge of a small prison full of cute young boys who have all been handed a stiff sentence by the courts. Whilst the boys are all getting banged to rights, the poor warden has his own large problem he needs to get to grips with. Many of the scenes are three-ways and for the most part the guys are cute and the action is well shot. Two scenes stick out as firm favourites - firstly the scene were the new boy gets broken-in in the shower. The new boy learns the meaning of going down for a stretch as he struggles to take the black guy's big cock. In the final scene, sexy warden Billy Jay finally gets over his hang-up when he finds the arse that he's been longing to fuck. The very horny Kevin Zahn gets a good hard working over by Billy to earn his release. Cast: Bill Brown, Billy Jay, Chris Rosso, Diego Bero, Erik Lenn, Gevin Fevre, Kevin Zahn, Ladislav Bohar, Michail Asky, Nicolas Corsi, Nicolas Santos, Nikolas Corby, Ridge Carrey, Rocky Sommers, Sanchez Viva, Tom Nowy