Director Josh Eliot builds present-day scenes around clips from old Catalina videos with their casts of ideal men. By contrast, most of the present-day cast are less impressive in appearance, but piggier in performance. Excited by watching a clip of blond gods Grant and Buster doing it by a pool, Cannon fucks young Damon, then watches Bataglia and Cole do it in a Jacuzzi. Trying to make movies like the old clips, burly Harley is moved to 69 with his model, massive Storni. Watching a clip of Borg doing Ford in an exercise room impels Gabriel to fuck Michaels. Dvd quality in present-day scenes is superior. Bonus Scenes include Cum Undone, 30 minutes of Catalina cumshots, and nine minutes of elephant-hung Maxime Cannon soloing. Cast: Ray Harley, Maxime Cannon, Jonathan Gabriel, Brent Michaels, Brunno Storni, Ben Damon, Dominick Borg, Buster, Steve Grant, Tony Ford, Mike Cole, Jim Bataglia