In Switched, a nude cleaner (Tribeiany) arrives at a house as scheduled and Victor decides to give the new body a test-drive. H fucks like a bandit, much to the cleaner's joy. Elsewhere a murderous foursome (Strawhouse, Bull, Flower and Tank) celebrate a job well done with bubbly and anal sex. Kline watches from behind a screen and bad memories are stirred up as he faints into an erotic dream featuring Diablo who shows Kline the pleasures of being versatile in a very hot deep kissing deep probing inventive scene. Back in reality, the nude cleaner has returned to the apartment where seduces the relaxing murderer who thanks him with a hot session on the green sofa. The male Marylou plans revenge, seducing one of his murderers poolside. This angers the gods and they send Saxon to intervene. Turns out Kline's too scrummy to turn down so he throws himself straight in, jumping up and down on Kline's heaven-sent cock. Pretty soon they've all jettisoned their torpedo loads onto Tank's six-pack. Finally God himself (Paul Edge) does a hot solo for our amusement and the credits roll. A great effort from the team at GAI. Intentionally and unintentionally hilarious, the production values are first rate, with the same high quality guys you'd expect from one of their releases. Cast: Kevin Kline, John Cona, Mauer Zeno, Joey Tribeiany, Nad Strawhouse, Nick Flower, Anton Diablo, Jules Saxon, Aurel Bull, John Tank, Les Devil, Paul Edge