State-of-the-art animation, reminiscent of recent Saturday morning cartoons, has brought the character of Jonas Morecock, the luckiest son-of-a-bitch on earth, to life. Lucky Jonas, in his animated state, with an endowment that would make mere mortals either shiver with delight or shriek in terror, gets it on with a variety of versatile characters: two hunky X-Files studs, a merman, a beefy lumberjack, a ghost, aliens, others and, oh yes, let's not forget God and the devil. Can't have a sex sandwich without the two of them! This terrific piece of sexual entertainment is titillating as well as innovative and is worthy of a nomination for Best Alternative Video. Really well done. It will almost make viewers believe they are seeing the real thing - and with the actual penetration, great soundtrack and terrific animation, The House Of Morecock is one dvd that is a must-have for lovers of gay anime.