Snow fooling with lovely French Canadian lads in a ski resort. As a cute touch, two boys daydream briefly about sex with each other in a romantic fireplace setting before they actually get together on a plain bed to slide their smooth bodies around on each other and then jack off. Other equally lovely lads get more elaborate and stick their pink dicks in both ends of each other by twos and threes in bedrooms and in romantic ruins. In between the leisurely bouts of boyish butt-fucking, there are meaningless but handsome views of ski-slopes, ski-lifts, and ski-lodges. Brunet Nick James Larue's Matt Dillon-ish looks show promise. Cast: Gino Cosari, Nick James Larue, Dave St. Clair, Real Lapierre, Noah Wilde, Eric Williams, Michel Clarkson, Jason Deschenes, Stefan Dubois